Writers’ Night of Adventure is a celebration of adventure stories that showcases the original written works of Adult and High School Teen patrons. Interested patrons may submit an adventure-themed flash-fiction (700 words maximum), micro-fiction, poetry, or a 5 minute play to present at the program.
Not a fan of presentations or writing but love all-things adventure and exploration? Not a problem! You can still register and attend to listen to the stories.
Dress your best! Come and mingle with others in explorer attire.
This program is intended for Adults and High School Teens only. Registration is required.
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions may not exceed 700 words and may not contain any explicit language and/or content. To submit, please email your original work as a Word document to writingsubmissions@forsythpl.org by Monday, May 27. In the Word document, please include the following at the top of the first page:
Due to time constraints, we will have a limited number of presenters. If the limit is reached, please still submit to have your work displayed during the program. All submissions are due by Monday, May 27.
This program is a part of the Call of the Wild series at the Cumming Library. Call of the Wild celebrates the writings of Jack London and the wilderness survival themes in his works. Be sure to check out the rest of the programs in this fun summer series!
TAGS: | Literature |
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