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    • This policy applies to those areas of the library that are intended for staff use. This includes, but is not limited to, the areas behind the public service desks, staff workrooms, staff offices, hallways, storage areas, computer equipment rooms, and break rooms.

      Authorized access to the non-public areas of the library buildings is limited to current staff members, volunteers, and scheduled maintenance or service workers. Other persons with business-related reasons to be in these areas (e.g. vendors, consultants, benefits providers) will be accompanied by a staff member at all times.

      Persons visiting staff members for reasons other than library business (e.g. family members, friends, and previous FCPL employees) are permitted in the non-public areas for brief periods of time. However, all personal visitors must be accompanied by a staff member at all times. Staff members will be held responsible for the actions of their guests and of anyone to whom access is allowed. Visitors will not be permitted to use staff computers or other equipment intended for staff use.

      Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the Director or appropriate Assistant Director.

      Approved on 01/22/2002
      Implemented on 01/22/2002

    • In adherence to the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Forsyth County Public Library makes its services, facilities, programs, collections, and technology accessible to all, subject to the resources of the library. Patrons are permitted to bring service animals into the library buildings. Pets are not permitted.

      Approved on 07/20/2009
      Implemented on 08/01/2009

    • Purpose
      The purpose of this policy is to outline the general procedures, responsibilities, and guidelines for management of funds of the Forsyth County Public Library.

      Budget Types and Budget Periods
      The Forsyth County Public Library (Library) prepares, adopts, and follows two types of budgets – Fiscal Year budgets and Capital budgets.

      1. Fiscal Year Budgets
        The fiscal year budget (or operating budget) is the annual budget used for operating the library system. The Library’s fiscal year is July 1 through June 30, and the annual budget will be adopted for the same timeframe.

        1. Budget Process
          The Director and the Financial Coordinator will develop the fiscal year budget based on experience from the current and previous fiscal years, priorities established through strategic planning and related activities, feedback from management staff for their respective areas of responsibility, and any directions received from the Library Board of Trustees (Board). Replacement plans for high cost equipment, computer equipment, and other items will be considered in the budget process. The long-term financial implications of fiscal year and capital budgets (e.g., annual maintenance fees due to a software purchase; ongoing cost of operating a new library facility) will also be considered in planning the fiscal year budget.

          The Director and the Financial Coordinator will present the proposed fiscal year budget to the Board in summary format. The presentation will include a comparison to the previous fiscal year and will clearly display sources (revenues and budgetary fund balance) and uses (expenditures and reserves). The Board shall adopt the budget prior to the beginning of the fiscal year (July 1).

          Library staff will comply with all budget procedures and timeframes established by its funding agencies. For purposes of obtaining funding from Forsyth County Government, a Calendar Year budget request will be prepared by staff and approved by the Board prior to its submission to the County.

        2. Revenues and Expenditures
          Fiscal year revenues will be budgeted according to estimated funding from Forsyth County Government, the State of Georgia, library-generated income (e.g., fines and fees), and other sources.

          In compliance with the Chart of Accounts for Georgia Public Libraries, fiscal year expenditures will be budgeted according to three broad categories: Personnel (to include all salaries and benefits), Materials (to include books, periodicals, electronic resources, and other items related to the Materials collection), and Operations (to include all other costs incurred in operating the library). The fiscal year budget shall include an amount for unforeseen operating expenditures. The amount of this contingency shall be 3% of the total budgeted expenditures.

        3. Legal Level of Budgetary Control
          Fiscal year budget categories are Personnel, Materials, and Operations. Transfers of appropriations within a category require the approval of the Director, but not the Board of Trustees. Transfers between Personnel, Materials, and Operations require the approval of the Board. Any changes that require increasing or decreasing the total revenue or total expenditures require the approval of the Board.

        4. Unencumbered and Encumbered Funds
          All unencumbered fiscal year budget appropriations will lapse at year-end. With Board approval, encumbered balances will be re-appropriated in the following fiscal year.

        5. Budgetary Control and Reporting
          A statement of fiscal year budget to actual revenues and expenditures will be prepared and presented at each regular meeting of the Board. Staff will explain areas with unusual fluctuations and other significant issues.

          The Financial Coordinator is responsible for conducting ongoing budget monitoring and analysis throughout the fiscal year. Management staff are responsible for monitoring budget lines relevant to their areas of responsibility. The Assistant Director for Materials Services will ensure that the Materials budget maintained in the integrated library system (ILS) is reconciled to the actual expenditures and budget information recorded in the financial system.

      2. Capital Budgets
        The Library uses capital budgets (or construction budgets) for specific capital projects, typically construction of a new library building or expansion of an existing library building. Capital budgets portray the total cost of construction and include multiple fiscal years.

        1. Budget Process
          The Director and the Financial Coordinator will develop capital budgets based on actual costs of previous construction projects, updated to reflect current construction costs and trends. The Board shall adopt the capital budget prior to the issuance of bids or requests for proposals related to the project.

        2. Revenues and Expenditures
          Capital budget revenues will be budgeted according to estimated or known revenues from special purpose local option sales tax (SPLOST), impact fees, State of Georgia construction grants, and other sources.

          Categories for capital budgets are determined by the Chart of Accounts for Georgia Public Libraries.

        3. Legal Level of Budgetary Control
          For capital budgets, the Director’s approval is required for transfers between budget categories. Board approval is required for adjustments to capital project budgets that involve increasing or decreasing total revenue or total expenditures.

        4. Budgetary Control and Reporting
          If a construction project is in progress, a statement of budget to actual revenues and expenditures for capital projects will be provided in conjunction with each regular Board meeting.

      Budgetary Basis
      In accordance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), all budgets will be prepared using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under the modified accrual basis of accounting, revenues are recognized when they are measurable and available. Measurable means an amount can be determined accurately. Available means the amount has been received or will be received soon enough to pay liabilities of the current period. Availability is defined as within sixty days of year end.

      Expenditures are recognized when measurable, incurred, and payable from current assets. Incurred means that the goods or services have been received. Payable from current assets means resources are currently available to pay the obligation.

      Balanced Budget
      The Library will operate each fiscal year and each capital project with a balanced budget. Total anticipated revenues and other resources must equal total estimated expenditures. Fund balance may be used to balance revenues and expenditures, but the beginning budgetary fund balance for any given fiscal year should not exceed the amount of savings that can be reasonably expected during that fiscal year. (Refer to Fund Balance Policy for acceptable uses of the library’s fund balance.) FCPL will not obligate future resources or borrow funds to meet fiscal year budget requirements.

      One-Time Revenues
      One-time revenues (e.g., bequests, large donations) will not be used to fund ongoing operating expenses, unless that is the expressed intention of the donor. Instead, these resources will be used to make one-time purchases (e.g., capital items) or to increase FCPL’s fund balance. Designated gifts, if accepted, will be expended per the instructions of the donor.

      Approved on 09/21/2016
      Implemented on 09/21/2016

      1. Purpose
        The purpose of this policy is to provide accountability and to safeguard capital assets owned by the Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL).

      2. Definition of Capital Assets
        Capital assets are assets that are used in operations and that have estimated useful lives extending beyond a single reporting period (i.e., one year). Examples of capital assets in a public library include vehicles, equipment, furniture, and materials collections.

      3. Capitalization Threshold
        Capitalization threshold is the monetary criterion used to determine whether a given asset should be reported on an entity's Balance Sheet. For purposes of financial reporting and inclusion on FCPL's list of capital assets, the capitalization threshold shall be $5,000. Therefore, items with an original cost of $5,000 or more will be considered capital assets and will be capitalized for financial reporting purposes.

      4. Library's Materials Collection
        In compliance with GASB 34 (Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 34), the Library's materials collection—the aggregate of all books, CDs, DVDs and other materials with a useful life of more than one year—regardless of the original cost of individual items, will be considered a capital asset and will be capitalized for financial reporting purposes.

      5. Authority and Procedures
        The Director and Financial Coordinator have the authority to implement the capital assets policy and to establish and enforce procedures to 1) ensure this policy is followed in all departments, 2) provide staff with instructions related to capital assets, and 3) ensure a strong internal controls environment.

      6. Valuation of Capital Assets
        Capital assets will be recorded at actual cost. Normally the cost recorded is the purchase price or construction costs of the asset, but also included are any ancillary costs (reasonable and necessary costs incurred to place the asset in its intended location and intended use; e.g., shipping, professional services) that can be directly related to the asset.

      7. Valuation of Donated Assets
        Donated assets are assigned values for accounting and asset management purposes. Donated or contributed assets should be recorded at their fair market value on the date donated or acquired.

        Items donated for the materials collection are handled differently than other assets. FCPL accepts donated materials that meet the selection criteria of the Materials Management Policy. The value of each donated item is determined as follows:

        1. Retail price of the item as shown in the online catalog, if the item is a duplicate of an item already owned by the Library.
        2. Suggested retail price, as printed on the item, if #1 does not apply.
        3. Default price for the collection type and format, based on typical market value of like materials, if #1 and #2 do not apply. Default prices are set in the library catalog, as determined by the Assistant Director for Materials Services, using recent history of like materials purchased for the Library's collection.
        4. An exception may be made to #3 if the item appears to be of particularly high value (e.g., full-color art book, “coffee table” book), making the default value unrealistically low. Assuming pricing as described in #1 and #2 is not available, Materials staff would assign the suggested retail price from a vendor website (e.g.,

      8. Useful Life
        Estimation of useful life for capital assets is based on the Library's past experience, industry standards, and warranty expirations. Following are useful life determinations used by the Library:

        Capital Asset Useful Life Description
        Computer Equipment 3-5 years Computers and peripheral equipment
        Furniture 5-20 years Visible, tangible property not reported in other categories
        Cars and Trucks 5-10 years
        Heavy/Outdoor Equipment 5-10 years
        Library Collection 2-10 years Varies by material format and type

      9. Recordkeeping Requirements
        Capital assets will be affixed with a property tag and records will be maintained that include identifying information and location.

      10. Asset Transfers and Dispositions
        Capital Assets shall not be transferred without prior approval of the appropriate manager and Financial Coordinator. Transfers are defined as any movement of an asset by virtue of change in location, either by department, building, or room.

        Capital Assets not fully depreciated shall not be destroyed or disposed of without prior approval of the Director and FCPL Board of Trustees. Disposal of fully depreciated items requires the Director's approval.

        Disposed items with any remaining useful life will be transferred to Forsyth County Government for public sale or use by County staff, donated to another publicly-funded entity, or donated to a non-profit organization.

        Individual items deleted from the Materials Collection shall not require prior approval. These items shall be offered at public sale by FCPL, the Friends and Advocates, or by an authorized third-party. These items may also be donated to another publicly-funded entity or to a non-profit organization.

        Items with no remaining useful life will be recycled when appropriate recycling options are readily available.

        In the event that a capital asset is stolen, the department head should promptly notify the Director or Financial Coordinator, who will notify the police.

      11. Periodic Inventories
        A physical inventory of capital assets will be conducted by the Financial Coordinator or his/her designee at least every other year, as near as practical to fiscal year-end.

      12. Assets Under Construction
        For assets under construction, costs will be accumulated in a Construction in Progress account and will be reported as such on financial statements. At project completion, the building or other asset becomes the property of Forsyth County Government.

      13. Capital Asset Impairment
        In compliance with GASB 42 (Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement 42), capital assets will be evaluated annually for impairment. A capital asset is considered impaired when its service utility has declined significantly and unexpectedly. FCPL will evaluate prominent events or changes in circumstances affecting capital assets to determine whether impairment of a capital asset has occurred.

        Events or changes in circumstances that may be indicative of impairment include:

        • Evidence of physical damage
        • Enactment or approval of laws or regulations or other changes in environmental factors
        • Technological changes or evidence of obsolescence
        • Changes in the manner or duration of use of a capital asset
        • Construction stoppage

        A capital asset generally should be considered impaired if both (a) the decline in service utility of the capital asset is large in magnitude and (b) the event or change in circumstance is outside the normal life cycle of the capital asset. If a library asset is determined to be impaired, an impairment loss (or gain, although unlikely)—net of any insurance recoveries—will be recorded and reported on the library's financial statements as indicated by GASB 42.

      14. Non-capital Assets
        An inventory list will be maintained for non-capital assets that require special attention due to value or heightened risk of theft. The Information Technology Department will maintain the inventory for all computers and peripherals. The Facilities Department will maintain the inventory for other items that cost less than the capitalization threshold but more than $500. These items will be affixed with a property tag and records will be maintained that include identifying information and location. Staff may also inventory items costing $500 or less if it is determined that the items are at heightened risk of theft.

      Approved on 01/17/2017
      Implemented on 01/17/2017

    • Forsyth County Public Library maintains an attractive, up-to-date, and useful collection that supports the mission and roles of the library while providing a wide array of titles and formats on many topics. The Collection Development Policy is the guiding philosophy that provides the basis for the systematic development of the library's collection. The policy serves the following functions:

      • Clarifies the relationships among the Board of Trustees, the library staff, and the community and establishes their respective responsibilities in selecting materials.
      • Establishes guidance for the materials selection team that ensures consistency in selecting responsive collections.
      • Provides patrons with information regarding selection and withdrawal principles.
      • Provides information on the library's commitment to developing a materials collection that reflects the community's needs.

      The Board of Trustees delegates the authority and responsibility for selecting library materials to the library Director and, under their direction, to the Deputy Director, the Materials Services Manager, and to collection development staff, who are experienced in selecting print and non-print materials. Titles are considered according to existing budget and space constraints and the following selection or acceptance criteria:

      • Current and anticipated needs and interests of a continuously growing and changing community.
      • Suitability of subject, style, and format for intended audience.
      • Contribution to the diversity and scope of the existing collection.
      • Attention of the media and evaluation by critics and reviewers.
      • Receipt of, or nomination for, major literary awards and prizes.
      • Reputation/significance of the author, illustrator, editor, publisher, producer, or performer.
      • Price of material.
      • Clarity, readability, visual appeal, production quality, or ease of use.
      • Accuracy and currency of information.
      • Contemporary significance or permanent value of the material.
      • Availability of materials elsewhere in the community, or via InterLibrary Loan.

      The above selection criteria are not listed in order of importance, and the number and weight of applicable criteria may vary in a selection decision. Selection of a given item for the library's collection should not be interpreted as an endorsement of a particular point of view.

      The public library is a place where people of all ages and all points of view can find information on issues of importance and interest to themselves. Parents and guardians are responsible for overseeing their children's exposure to and use of materials, including online resources and the internet.

      The library provides a formal review process to enable eligible cardholders to communicate their comments concerning materials to the staff and the Board of Trustees. Items may only be formally reviewed once every twelve months unless specific new information is provided which would prompt further action. Materials undergoing a formal request for reconsideration will remain in the collection pending final action. The Board retains responsibility for the final decision in requests for reconsideration.

      The Library welcomes donated items that meet the same criteria as purchased materials. The library retains unconditional ownership of donated material and makes the final decision on the material's acceptance, use, and disposition.

      Materials that are worn, outdated, or no longer in demand are removed on a systematic and continuous basis. Individual items deleted from the Materials Collection shall not require prior approval. These items shall be offered at public sale by FCPL, the Friends and Advocates, or by an authorized third party. Discarded items may also be donated to another publicly-funded entity or a non-profit organization. Materials withdrawn from the collection may not be given to individuals or businesses.

      Approved on 11/21/2022
      Implemented on 12/01/2022

    • Purpose
      In order to build a strong, vibrant community, Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) will enter into partnerships with local businesses, community groups, and government agencies. These partnerships will help the library achieve its mission and strategic goals and facilitate FCPL fundraising.

      For the purposes of this policy, a partnership is a cooperative, mutually beneficial arrangement entered into for the purpose of accomplishing mutually agreed upon objective(s). FCPL will only enter into partnerships determined to be in the best interest of the library. A contractual business arrangement with a vendor whereby the library agrees to pay for goods or services that the vendor provides, or vice-versa, is not a partnership.

      Choosing a Partner
      The Director and Management Team shall consider the following factors in choosing an organization with which to partner:

      • The program or service around which the partnership will be created.
      • The nature of the organization and its product(s) or service(s).
      • The anticipated length of the partnership.
      • The partner organization's history, ownership, and governance.
      • The willingness of the organization to enter into an agreement and commit the required time and resources.
      • The feasibility of FCPL meeting the expectations of the partner organization.

      Authority for Decision Making
      A written Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will be prepared for approval by the potential partner organization and the Library Board. The MOU will contain the purpose of the partnership, under what authority the MOU is approved, the roles and responsibilities of each partner organization, how the partnership will be assessed, and the method of termination of the partnership. Memoranda of Understanding will be approved by the Library Board and signed by the Library Director. A person vested with the authority to commit the potential partner organization to the terms of the partnership shall sign the MOU for the partner organization. For example, this may be a board chair or an executive director.

      An assessment of the usefulness of the MOU to both organizations will be made through the library representative and the governing bodies of both organizations every two years or whenever a partnership is terminated.

      Termination of a Partnership
      A partnership will stand until and unless the MOU is modified or amended by mutual agreement of the Library Board of Trustees and the partner agency or canceled by either party.

      Approved on 03/22/2011
      Implemented on 03/23/2011

    • All library records which identify patrons by name or description are strictly confidential. Such records are accessible only to appropriate library staff members, and, according to Georgia law (GEORGIA CODE 24-12-30), may only be disclosed as follows:

      1. To members of the library staff in the ordinary course of business,
      2. Upon written consent of the user of the library materials or the user's parents or guardians if the user is a minor or ward, or
      3. Upon appropriate court order or subpoena as determined by the library Director.

      This policy applies to all library records or knowledge held by library staff members, including, but not limited to, the circulation of library materials, computer database searches, interlibrary loan transactions, information requests, requests for photocopies of library materials, title reserve requests, or any in-house use of library materials.

      Approved on 09/24/2013
      Implemented on 10/01/2013

    • Library displays increase public awareness of the Library's resources and promote life-long learning through access to materials, information, and programs. Displays include but are not limited to books, posters, signs, brochures, flyers, documents, art work and objects.

      Library displays are limited to either library-initiated or library-sponsored displays or displays by Forsyth County Public Library's official partners (see Community Partners policy). Bulletin boards may include materials required by law and may include information from local government, as space allows.

      Final approval of displays rests with the Director.

      Approved on 07/12/2011
      Implemented on 07/12/2011

    • Forsyth County Public Library welcomes donations that are compatible with the mission, policies, and strategic plan of the library. By donation, this policy refers to any item that is given at no cost to the library. Examples of donations include, but are not limited to, the following:

      • Items for the collection. (For more information, refer to the FCPL Operations Policy Manual, "Collection Development Policy.")
      • Monetary contributions. (For more information refer to the FCPL Operations Policy Manual, "Budget Policy: One Time Revenues.")

      The library retains unconditional ownership of donations and makes the final decision regarding the acceptance, use, and disposition of the donations. The following criteria will be considered when accepting donations.

      • Suitability for a library environment.
      • Conflicts of interest, whether actual or perceived.
      • Space constraints based on size or shape of the object (including collection donations).
      • Security or display requirements.
      • Insurance stipulations over and above the current library policies.
      • Special cleaning and maintenance methods.

      Patrons can receive a form acknowledging their nonprofit donation, such as collection materials, but the library does not set fair market or appraisal values for purposes of tax deductions.

      Approved on 07/12/2011
      Implemented on 07/12/2011

    • Forsyth County Public Library’s Personnel Policy Manual directs employees to use their own judgment to do what is prudent and reasonable in emergencies, including calling 911 for immediate assistance.

      FCPL provides Automated External Defibrillators in each of its branches, and it complies with Forsyth County Government’s AED Policy, which establishes guidelines and procedures for standardization of procurement, installation, service, and maintenance of AEDs throughout buildings owned or occupied by Forsyth County.

      AED use is permitted by employees or the general public and Forsyth County recognizes O.C.G.A. § 51-1-29.3, which provides for immunity from civil liability for operators of external defibrillators who act in good faith to render emergency care using an AED as well as any owner or operator of any premises who installs or provides AED equipment in or on such premises.

      While FCPL provides opportunities for interested employees to receive training on first aid and the use of AEDs, it cannot guarantee that there will be employees who are trained in first aid or the use of AEDs at all times the library is open.

      Approved on 05/21/2018
      Implemented on 06/01/2018

    • In order to maintain a clean environment with minimal distractions, only single-serving, low-odor snacks and covered beverages are permitted in the library. Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in the library and on library grounds. Food may not be delivered inside the library.

      For information on food and drink in the public meeting rooms, see the "Rooms for Public Use" policy.

      Approved on 05/20/2024
      Implemented on 05/20/2024

    • The Forsyth County History Collection, also referred to at FCPL as the Local History Collection, contains material on the history, description, and development of Forsyth County, Georgia. Some background histories of surrounding counties (such as Cherokee, Dawson, Hall, Fulton, Lumpkin, Gwinnett, and the former county of Milton) are included, particularly those covering localities, events, or lives of early settlers related to the initial development of the region.

      Works by local authors are purchased for the collection if they meet the selection criteria listed in the Collection Development Policy. These titles are shelved in the Local History Collection only if the content of the book contributes to the social and cultural history of the region; otherwise, books or other items by local authors are shelved in the appropriate fiction or non-fiction collections.

      When available, indexes to births, deaths, marriages, wills, and land records are purchased for the Local History Collection.

      The library also acquires genealogical materials relating to current or former residents of Forsyth County, either through purchase or donation. Family histories are accepted for the collection if any of the ancestors or descendants had ties with Forsyth County. Genealogical materials for surrounding counties are added, if they contain family history information directly related to Forsyth County residents.

      FCPL also provides access to several electronic genealogical databases, and we own an extensive collection of eBooks to aid in genealogical research.

      The Forsyth County legal organ is purchased on microfilm and is available at the Cumming Library.

      Local history or family histories for counties outside of the immediate Forsyth County region are not purchased or accepted for donation. Unbound books, papers, and memorabilia related to local history are not added, except when the item adds something to the picture of life in the past in Forsyth County. Examples of items that would be added to the collection are textbooks used in the very early schools, or a self-published family history of prominent county families.

      Books on Forsyth County history and genealogy are all shelved together in a special location, and are marked by a “Local History” sticker. Many of these items are irreplaceable and are for use within the library only.

      The library purchases basic genealogical research guides and state historical society guides to assist patrons in their search for genealogical records; these items are shelved in the adult nonfiction collection.

      Adult nonfiction items related to the culture and history of the state of Georgia, and Georgia localities that are outside the scope of the Forsyth County Local History Collection, are designated as part of the library’s Georgia History Collection. These items are marked with a “Georgia History” sticker.

      Approved on 03/17/2015
      Implemented on 03/17/2015

    • Purpose
      The purpose of this policy is to establish 1) a target level for the Library’s unrestricted fund balance for the General Fund and 2) allowable uses of unrestricted fund balance. This policy is to ensure the Forsyth County Public Library’s (FCPL) financial stability by maintaining appropriate reserves to provide a sufficient cash flow for current financial needs and protect the Library against economic downturns, funding reductions, and emergencies.

      Fund balance refers to the net assets of governmental funds, measured by total assets minus total liabilities. Fund balance serves as a measure of the financial resources available to a government.

      The five categories of fund balance, as established by Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54, are as follows:

      • Nonspendable fund balance refers to amounts that cannot be spent because they are not in spendable form (e.g., principle portion of permanent fund, inventory).
      • Restricted fund balance refers to amounts not available for expenditure due to external restrictions, including grant restrictions, laws, or regulations.
      • Committed fund balance refers to amounts that are designated for specific purposes by formal action of the Library Board. (The Library Board may reverse this action if it is later determined the funds are needed for another purpose.)
      • Assigned fund balance refers to amounts management (i.e., Library Director) intends to use for specific purposes.
      • Unassigned fund balance refers to the difference between total fund balance and the sum of the four previous categories.

      Unrestricted fund balance refers to the total amount of committed, assigned, and unassigned fund balances.

      Level of Unrestricted Fund Balance
      It is the policy of the Forsyth County Public Library to maintain unrestricted fund balance of ten to fifteen percent of regular general fund operating revenues. If unrestricted fund balance falls below the ten percent threshold, the Library Board, Director, and finance staff will take steps to reduce expenditures until savings adequate to reach the ten percent standard are realized.

      The Library Board recognizes that economic conditions or emergencies may warrant fund balance use that will result in unrestricted fund balance falling below ten percent of regular general fund operating revenues. Authorization for such use requires a supermajority (e.g., 4-1; 4–0; 3–0 vote) of Board members’ present for the vote.

      Use of Fund Balance
      Library Board authorization (simple majority) is required for the use of fund balance. Fund balance may be used for the following purposes:

      1. Budgetary fund balance, which is the use of fund balance to balance the fiscal year budget when budgeted expenditures exceed budgeted revenues. The beginning budgetary fund balance for any given fiscal year should not exceed the amount of savings (primarily from staff vacancies) that can be reasonably expected during that fiscal year. The Board may authorize increases in budgetary fund balance during the fiscal year for other uses of fund balance listed below. Conversely, budgetary fund balance may decrease if unbudgeted revenues are received.
      2. Encumbrances from the previous fiscal year.
      3. Minor reductions in revenues occurring after the original fiscal year budget is adopted. (Significant reductions in revenues should require corresponding reductions in expenditures.)
      4. Replacement of equipment, primarily capital equipment, and vehicles.
      5. Purchases related to one-time projects or non-recurring expenditures (e.g., capital projects, renovations, technology, matching funds required by grants).
      6. Loans to other funds (e.g., for capital expenses that will be reimbursed by a funding agency).

      At the end of the fiscal year, any decrease in fund balance should not exceed the total of the authorized, one-time uses of fund balance. Generally, fund balance should not be reduced by regular operating expenses. If regular expenses do exceed revenues, a more conservative approach to budgetary fund balance should be used in the following fiscal year.

      Reporting and Monitoring
      Library staff shall present the Library Board with a report on the fund balance in conjunction with the annual budget recommendation and in conjunction with the annual financial audit. In addition, library staff will show the impact of budget adjustments on the budgetary fund balance prior to requesting authorization for each adjustment. Furthermore, at regular Board meetings, library staff will present a financial statement that shows fluctuations in fund balance during the fiscal year.

      Approved on 03/21/2022
      Updated on 03/21/2022

    • Purpose
      The purpose of this policy is listed below:

      1. Provide accountability and authority related to information security at the Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL).
      2. Establish FCPL's information security management framework.
      3. Safeguard the usability, reliability, integrity, confidentiality, and security of FCPL's information technology infrastructure, resources, and computer systems and the information and data accessed, stored, and transmitted therein.

      This policy shall govern all access to and uses of FCPL's information technology infrastructure, resources, and computer systems and the information and data accessed, stored, and transmitted therein. This policy also governs the use of data or information produced or stored by or for FCPL. This policy is supported by related policies, practice statements, standards, guidelines, procedures, and documentation where necessary.

      Authority and Procedures
      The Assistant Director for Information Technology or a designee has the authority to implement the information security policy and to establish and enforce information technology practice statements, standards, guidelines, and procedures to accomplish the following:

      1. Ensure this policy is followed in all departments.
      2. Provide staff with instructions related to information security.
      3. Ensure a strong internal controls environment in support of information security.

      While FCPL always strives to align its practices with both legal requirements and auditing and industry standards, practices must balance these standards with logistical and budgetary concerns. FCPL specifically strives to align its information security practices with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard, applicable laws and regulations, applicable governmental accounting standards, and best information security practices promoted by the Georgia Public Library Service, national library professional organizations, and the University System of Georgia.

      At a minimum, information technology practice statements, standards, guidelines, or procedures created in support of the information security policy shall cover the following areas:

      1. Requirements to build and maintain a secure network.
      2. The protection of cardholder data.
      3. Vulnerability management.
      4. Access control measures.
      5. Network monitoring and testing.
      6. Information security awareness and responsibilities of employees and contractors.

      The Assistant Director for Information Technology or a designee shall maintain an Information Security section on the staff website for the purpose of organizing and distributing to all FCPL staff the information technology practice statements, standards, guidelines, and any procedures that apply to all staff. Supporting documentation and procedures for use only by specific staff or departments shall be appropriately secured elsewhere. Managers in each department are responsible for ensuring that department-specific information technology-related procedures are properly documented and that staff under their supervision have access to and instruction in department-specific procedures required to support FCPL's information security policy.

      The information security policy and its supporting documents shall be reviewed by the Assistant Director for Information Technology or one or more designees at least annually or following substantial changes to the information technology infrastructure and updated as needed to address new needs, emerging threats, and security trends.

      A security awareness program shall be developed and implemented to make all employees aware of the importance of information security. Employees shall be required to periodically acknowledge that they have reviewed and understand FCPL's information security policy and its supporting documents.

      In the absence of a published FCPL information technology practice statement, standard, or procedure that addresses a specific situation related to information security, the Assistant Director for Information Technology shall be consulted. The Assistant Director for Information Technology will consult the Forsyth County Public Library Operations Policy Manual; the Forsyth County Public Library Personnel Policy Manual; Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard; applicable laws and regulations; applicable governmental accounting standards; best information security practices promoted by the Georgia Public Library Service, national library professional organizations, and the University System of Georgia; other members of the FCPL management team; and the FCPL Board of Trustees as appropriate for guidance in determining the best course of action.

      In the event that it is not possible to adhere to a published Forsyth County Public Library practice statement or standard, a written justification for non-compliance must be prepared by the non-compliant party, acknowledged by the Assistant Director for Information Technology and approved by the Library Director. Any compensating controls designed to offset the effects of non-compliance shall also be documented. Documentation of such justification for non-compliance and compensating controls shall be retained for reference during future information security audits.

      Compensating controls are procedures, settings, or other measures that are put into place to help minimize the risks associated with failing to implement a requirement stated in the Information Security Policy and its supporting documents. Compensating controls should be used when FCPL cannot meet a requirement explicitly as stated in a practice statement or standard, due to legitimate technical or documented business constraints.
      Guidelines provide staff and contractors with suggested best practices to be followed where possible.
      Information Security means protecting data; information; computers and related electronic, storage, or communication devices; and information infrastructure from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
      Information technology infrastructure is the physical hardware and software used to interconnect computers and related electronic, storage, and communication devices with users. Infrastructure includes the transmission media, including telephone lines, cable television lines, and satellites and antennas, and also the routers, aggregators, repeaters, and other devices that control transmission paths. Infrastructure also includes the software used to send, receive, and manage the signals that are transmitted. In short, the information technology infrastructure includes everything that supports the flow and processing of information.
      Practice statements describe FCPL's information security practices and outline expectations of staff or contractors at a broad level.
      Procedures document steps to be followed in order to carry out job-related tasks in a manner that complies with information technology practice statements and standards.
      Standards provide benchmarks for use in information technology-related decision-making. Standards outline the ideal set of characteristics that should exist in an information technology-related product, service, practice, procedure, or other entity in order to best ensure FCPL's ability to create and maintain an information technology infrastructure, resources, and computer systems that maximize usability, reliability, data integrity, confidentiality, and security while supporting legal, auditing, and industry standards compliance.

      Any employee or contractor found to have violated the requirements of the Information Security Policy as outlined in supporting practice statements, standards, guidelines, and procedures may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or contract.

      Approved on 09/21/2010
      Implemented on 10/01/2010

    • Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service of Forsyth County Public Library in which materials not owned by the library may be borrowed from other library systems in the United States. FCPL's Interlibrary Loan relationship with other libraries is dependent on their willingness to lend materials to FCPL. The library FCPL borrows from controls the loan conditions, including the time period and renewal option of the loan. Lending libraries may require that some materials be designated as in-library use only. Certain restrictions apply on the types of materials that can be obtained.

      All costs associated with Interlibrary Loan are paid by FCPL, except if the lending library requires additional charges. If so, FCPL will contact the patron and ask if the patron would like to pay the charges or cancel the ILL request. When a patron agrees to pay the additional charge to borrow an item, the charge will be added to the patron’s record regardless of whether or not they check out the item. Patrons must be in good standing at the time of the ILL request.

      FCPL patrons will be assessed overdue fees for late ILL items. If an ILL item is 21 days overdue, FCPL contacts the lending library to obtain the total replacement cost, including additional fees, which is then applied to the FCPL patron's account.

      FCPL patrons will be charged for lost or damaged materials, and these charges are assessed according to the lending library's policies and rules. Many lending libraries charge additional fees which can add significantly to the total replacement cost.

      Fees for lost or damaged ILL materials contribute to the total amount of fines and fees on a FCPL patron’s account. A patron’s account may be referred to a collection agency with an additional processing fee charged to the account. Refunds will not be issued after the patron has paid the replacement cost. FCPL does not accept replacement copies of damaged or lost items in lieu of paying the replacement costs.

      Approved on 01/19/2022
      Implemented on 01/25/2022

    • Forsyth County Public Library supports patrons' informational, educational, and recreational interests by providing materials in a wide range of formats including free basic access to information via the Internet. The library provides the opportunity to use the Internet from the library's public access computers.

      Because not all sources on the Internet provide accurate, complete, or current information, patrons are advised to use information from the Internet at their own risk. The library does not warrant or guarantee the reliability or truthfulness of information obtained from the Internet. The library shall have no liability for direct, indirect, or consequential damages related to use of information accessed or transmitted via the Internet.

      In accordance with the Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA), all library computers are equipped with software that is designed to block access to sites that contain visual depictions and/or information which may reasonably be construed as being obscene, child pornography, or materials "harmful to minors" as currently defined by law. Despite these provisions, patrons may still encounter sites they find personally offensive. For this reason, patrons must assume responsibility for their own use of the Internet. Parents who are concerned about the contents of the Internet are strongly advised to closely supervise their children's use of this service and assist them in selecting sites that are consistent with personal and family values and appropriate for the age and understanding of their children.

      In accordance with CIPA, the library will provide access to the unfiltered Internet without significant delay for bona fide research or other lawful purposes at the request of patrons who are 18 years of age or older.

      Acceptable Use

      • Users may not access or view illegal material for any purpose at any time. Suspected illegal activity will be reported to law enforcement. The following material is illegal, as defined by federal and/or state law:
        • Obscene material, defined by state law in OCGA 16-12-80.
        • Child pornography, defined by federal law in 18 USC Section 2256 and by state law in OCGA 16-12-100.
      • In addition, CIPA requires that material deemed harmful to minors not be allowed. The term "harmful to minors" is defined by CIPA as any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that:
        • taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex, or excretion;
        • depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals; and
        • taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value as to minors.
      • In addition to material that is unacceptable according to CIPA or other federal or state laws, and in order to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all ages, Forsyth County Public Library does not allow the display of any pornographic image.
      • Installation or modification of software is prohibited. Users shall not make any attempt to gain access to restricted computer files or networks or to damage or modify computer equipment or software.
      • Users shall respect all copyright laws and licensing agreements.
      • Users shall respect the privacy of other users and shall refrain from attempting to view or read material being used by others.
      • Users are financially responsible for any charges that they may incur from their use of the Internet.
      • Prompt payment of printing and other authorized fees incurred while using library computers is required.
      • Staff may establish the length and the number of Internet access sessions available per day, per user.
      • If any Acceptable Use rules are violated, library staff will take one or more of the following steps, as appropriate to the situation:
        • Terminate the user's Internet session.
        • Restrict library computer and/or library privileges for a specific amount of time, to be determined by the severity of the infraction and any history of previous infractions. Temporary or permanent denial of Internet privileges at any library facility will be effective at all library facilities.
        • Call law enforcement.

      Internet Safety

      • Minors should never disclose any personal identification information over the Internet.
      • Parents and/or guardians are responsible for monitoring the use of email and other forms of direct electronic communications by their minor children.
      • Wireless/wired computer signals can be intercepted. Use of the Internet in the public library, either through wireless/wired access or through library computers, is neither private nor secure. Users should be aware that personal information transmitted via the Internet is not secure and could be viewed by other users.
      • The Library is not responsible for any personal information that is compromised, or for any damage caused to personal hardware or software due to electrical surges, security issues, or consequences caused by viruses or hacking.

      Wireless/Wired Internet Use
      Forsyth County Public Library provides free filtered wireless/wired Internet access for library visitors to use with their own personal devices.

      The following additional guidelines apply to users of the wireless/wired service in the library:

      • All wireless/wired access users are individually responsible for maintaining up-to-date virus protection on personal laptop computers or wireless/wired devices.
      • Personal wireless/wired network use is "as is" and "as available." Random loss of signal is not preventable. The Library is not responsible for loss of personal data or damage to personal equipment due to loss of wireless/wired signal.
      • The library is not responsible for theft of or damage to personal equipment brought into the library.
      • Users are responsible for configuring their own equipment. The library does not provide technical support for establishing or maintaining a connection nor equipment configurations. The library is not responsible for any changes made to an individual computer's settings and does not guarantee that a user's hardware will work with the library's wireless/wired connection.

      Approved on 07/25/2012
      Implemented on 07/25/2012

    • FCPL provides library users the option to purchase materials through the library catalog using an link in the catalog called "Buy Your Own" or through the eLibrary portal site using an OverDrive link in the catalog called "Buy It Now". These links that connect to online vendors have been approved by the Library Director or by the FCPL eLibrary vendor OverDrive.

      The library offers this feature as a service to FCPL patrons, not as an endorsement of a website or of the contents of a website. FCPL will receive a portion of the sales.

      A vendor may apply for consideration at any time through the "Email a Librarian" link on the library webpage. The following criteria are used to determine the vendor who offers the best benefit to the library:

      1. Is the selling of materials, such as those held in the library, the primary part of the business of the vendor?
      2. How long has the vendor been in business selling these materials?
      3. Do the vendor’s offerings meet current or anticipated needs of the community, such as a Forsyth Reads Together selection or titles from a school summer reading list?
      4. Will the software interface be easy to administer by the library's IT department?
      5. Will the software interface work well with the library’s Integrated Library System (ILS)?
      6. Is the price offered to the consumer discounted?
      7. Is the website's search engine robust, and the purchasing process easy to use by patrons?
      8. Is the site suitable for the library's family audiences?
      9. Will the partnership between the vendor and the library benefit the library? If there is a financial benefit or cost, how much is it?
      10. Does the vendor have a good business and online reputation?

      Approved on 05/17/2010
      Implemented on 06/01/2010

    • Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) welcomes everyone to use the library.

      To ensure the safety and comfort of the library's users, patrons are expected to be respectful and courteous to library staff and others. (For the purposes of this policy, the term patrons refers to all individuals present on library premises.) Patrons engaging in disruptive behaviors that impede the ability of patrons or staff to use the library will be found in violation of the Library Behavior Policy.

      Parents or legal guardians are responsible for their children's behavior. A staff member may intervene with a child to prevent injury or property damage.

      The library is a busy public space with various types of flooring and changing surface conditions throughout the day. Depending on foot traffic, activities, and special events, floors may accumulate moisture, dirt, or debris. While staff make every effort to maintain cleanliness, it is not always possible to address all hazards immediately. Additionally, fixed objects on the floor may pose a risk to bare or inadequately protected feet. Footwear is required in all areas of the library at all times to ensure safety, maintain hygiene, and protect library staff from potential liability.

      Unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following:

      • Willful damage, misuse, or mistreatment of library property or facilities
      • Abusive, indecent, or harassing language or behavior
      • A level of noise by individuals that is disruptive to other patrons or library services
      • Running, climbing, or fighting
      • Not wearing a shirt or shoes, except for infants
      • Using public restrooms for bathing or laundering clothes
      • Violating the Smoking Policy
      • Violating the Food and Drink Policy
      • Violating the Solicitation Policy
      • Bringing animals, other than service animals or animals used by presenters of library programs, into library buildings
      • Using library parking lots for recreational purposes such as skateboarding or using other wheeled devices
      • Parking on library grounds when not using the library
      • Any act or conduct in violation of other Forsyth County Public Library policies
      • Any act or conduct in violation of Federal, State, or local law, ordinance, or regulation

      Library staff will take one or more of the following actions to address unacceptable behaviors:

      • Issue verbal warning that patron’s conduct is in violation of library policy
      • Issue a written warning that patron’s repeated violations may result in suspension
      • Require the patron to leave the library for the remainder of the day
      • Suspend patrons from the library for a specific length of time
      • Call law enforcement, which may result in a criminal trespass order or arrest

      Actions taken to address unacceptable behaviors at one FCPL location apply at all Forsyth County Public Library locations.

      Patrons suspended from the library will be notified in writing of the reason for the action and the appeals process. Suspensions may be appealed by following the process described in the notification letter or by sending correspondence to: Director, FCPL, 585 Dahlonega Street, Cumming, GA 30040. The Director will make a determination within ten business days of receipt of the letter and notify the appellant in writing.

      The Director’s decision may be appealed to the FCPL Board of Trustees. The appellant must file a written notice of appeal within ten days of receiving the Director’s determination. Appeals to the FCPL Board of Trustees must be addressed to both the Library Director and Library Board Chair, c/o FCPL, 585 Dahlonega Street, Cumming, GA 30040. The Board shall hold a hearing within 30 days after the notice has been filed.

      Approved on 03/18/2024
      Implemented on 04/01/2024
      Updated 3/17/2025

    • Forsyth County Public Library welcomes all visitors to access materials, attend programs, and utilize resources. In order to check out materials or reserve public rooms, a patron must have a Forsyth County Public Library card.

      Library staff are authorized to use their best judgment to occasionally make exceptions to this policy.

      Library Cards
      Library cards are issued to individuals at any age. If the applicant is under 18, approval of a parent or guardian is required.

      Library cards are issued at no charge to each of the following:

      • Full-time or part-time residents of Forsyth County.
      • Forsyth County property or business owners.
      • Current or retired FCPL employees.
      • Employees of Forsyth County Government.
      • Employees or currently enrolled students of any public or private educational institution in Forsyth County.

      Applicants not meeting one of the criteria listed above may be issued a library card for an annual fee of $60.00. These out-of-county cardholders are eligible for most privileges of Forsyth County resident cardholders, with the exception of the Mailbox Books service.

      Applicants must provide documentation that shows identity and current address to receive a library card.

      Cardholders may authorize additional users on their cards. Library cardholders, and parents or guardians of cardholders under age 18, are responsible for all items checked out on their library cards. Cardholders should report a lost or stolen card as soon as possible to avoid being held responsible for materials checked out by others.

      Cardholders are responsible for notifying the library of any changes in their contact information, including address, phone number, or email address. All cards with a three-year period of inactivity will be removed from the system.

      A 21-day temporary library card number, good for using most online resources remotely as well as for placing up to three holds on library materials, may be obtained by filling out an online library card application.

      Loan Limits and Loan Periods
      Cardholders may have up to 75 physical materials checked out at one time. Additional limits may be placed on materials checked out through Outreach.

      All physical materials that check out may be borrowed for two weeks. Some physical materials, such as reference books and newspapers, do not check out. 

      Digital materials, materials borrowed through Interlibrary Loan, and materials borrowed through Outreach may have different loan periods.

      Physical materials that have not been requested as holds by other patrons may be renewed up to two times, for a total of six weeks checked out. Renewals may not be available for materials borrowed through Interlibrary Loan.

      Physical materials may be returned to any FCPL branch.

      Overdue Fines
      Overdue fines are charged at a rate of $0.20 per day per item. The maximum overdue fine amount is $5.00 per item. 

      Notifications about overdue fines are provided as a courtesy. Failure to receive notification of overdue fines does not absolve cardholders from paying overdue fines.

      If a cardholder’s fines and fees total $15.00 or more, the library card is blocked from further use until the total amount due is under $15.00. In addition, if a cardholder owes $15.00 or more in any combination of fines, fees, or long overdue materials, the account is referred to a collection agency that specializes in libraries, and an additional processing fee is charged to the account.

      Overdue fines are not charged to current library staff members, current Library Board members, or former Library Board members who completed their appointed term of office.

      Lost and Damaged Materials
      Cardholders are responsible for returning borrowed materials in a similar condition as when borrowed. If materials checked out on a card are not returned, or if they are damaged to the extent that they must be replaced, the cardholder is responsible for paying for the item.

      If packaging or component parts from media are not returned, the cardholder will be charged a replacement fee. 

      The replacement fee for materials borrowed through Interlibrary Loan will be determined by the lending library and will often include additional fees.

      Refunds will not be issued after the cardholder has paid for the lost or damaged item.

      Approved on 05/17/2021
      Implemented on 07/01/2021

    • Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) provides programs for all ages in the library, in the community, and online. Library programs are designed to fulfill the Library's role as a community resource, promote literacy, provide information, encourage civic participation, and reflect the community's cultural and leisure interests.

      Library staff will use the following criteria to determine program offerings at FCPL:

      • The program fulfills FCPL's strategic plan and mission or vision goals.
      • The content is accurate, informative, and appropriate for the intended audience.
      • The presenters are recognized as professionals or experts or have a demonstrated knowledge about presentation topics.
      • FCPL has space available to meet the needs of the program.
      • The program meets topic-specific FCPL programming goals.

      A library program is an event that is sponsored or organized by FCPL. An event sponsored or organized by a group or individual who has reserved a library meeting room is not a library program.

      All library programs are free and open to the public. Library programs may represent a wide range of ideas and viewpoints. Some programs may not appeal to or be appropriate for all patrons. All attendees must abide by the Library Behavior Policy, and those who violate this policy or otherwise disrupt a program may be asked to leave.

      The number of attendees permitted in any program is program-specific and is set by FCPL in coordination with the presenter and is not to exceed the posted maximum occupancy in each public space. Advance registration or on-site ticketing may be required for some programs. Any registration or ticketing will be handled by FCPL; presenters may not solicit registrations using a separate process.

      FCPL will make reasonable modifications to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy all of its programs. People requiring special accommodations to attend or participate in a program should contact the Library no later than 48 hours before the program.

      Library program presenters may not conduct programs solely for the purpose of selling goods or services to attendees. Attendees may share their contact information or obtain contact information from presenters at their discretion, but it will not be a program requirement.

      Library program presenters may not sell merchandise unless they have received prior approval. Items that may be approved for sale at a program event will be specifically related to the program (for example, music CDs for a musical performer).

      FCPL may collaborate with other agencies or community organizations to present joint programs. Such collaborations may involve providing space, assisting with promotion and presentation, and creating book lists and displays related to the program.

      FCPL has complete discretion over providing or sponsoring a library program. If a program has been offered previously, the Library is under no obligation to offer the program again. Unsolicited program proposals by community members may be considered using the criteria listed in this policy, but the Library is under no obligation to provide the proposed program(s).

      All presenters must agree to the terms of the Forsyth County Public Library Program Agreement.

      Approved on 07/15/2024
      Implemented on 07/16/2024

    • In order to prepare financial statements in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) in the United States of America, library management staff will make estimates and assumptions based on historical experience or other reasonable rationales. These estimates and assumptions affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities, the disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements, and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from these estimates.

      The allowance for doubtful accounts is an example of a management estimate. The library’s accounts receivable consists of fines and fees owed by library patrons. In conformity with GAAP, the library will record a reasonable estimate of the amounts that will not be collected. At the end of each fiscal year, library management will make this estimate based on historical collection data. Reports from the integrated library system (ILS) will be used to determine the probability of collecting balances in a range of aging categories.

      The Assistant Director for Support Services is responsible for establishing procedures for making estimates and ensuring that methodologies are consistently applied and properly disclosed. For information on estimating useful life and the value of donated assets, see the Capital Assets Policy above.

      Approved on 09/21/2010
      Implemented on 09/21/2010

    • As future branches are added, they will be named for the geographical area in which they are located, or which they serve. Parts of the county with a mailing address that does not reflect the service area, or that are known by a name which is not used by the post office, pose a unique problem. In those cases, the Library Board may name the branch for a historical site, geographical feature or the commonly used name.

      The Library Board can, by Board action, honor organizations or individuals who have contributed financially to the library or have had contributions donated in their name, with plaques displayed in the building.

      Rooms or areas of the library can also be named after individuals or organizations by Board action. This is usually done when a financial contribution is significant and results in an endowment or funding of a major portion of an addition or new building.

      Approved on 07/01/1996
      Implemented on 07/01/1996

    • Hours of operation and holiday closings for all branches of the Forsyth County Public Library are established by the Library Board of Trustees. Additional closings specified only by the authority of the Director or staff designated by the Director include, but are not limited to, the following:

      1. A facility may be closed when the temperature of the facility falls below 66 degrees or exceeds 84 degrees.
      2. A facility may be closed due to inclement weather.
      3. A facility may be closed for staff training or required computer or facility maintenance.
      4. A facility may be closed for the loss of electrical power or essential utilities.
      5. A facility may be closed for safety or security concerns.

      Approved on 07/20/2009
      Implemented on 08/01/2009

    • The Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) offers outdoor spaces for the public to enhance the educational, cultural, and informational needs of individuals of all ages. These spaces meet the Library’s mission to connect the community with exceptional resources, spaces, and experiences. The Library's outdoor spaces are open during library business hours.
      Visitors to outdoor spaces must comply with relevant FCPL policies, including:

      Unacceptable uses include, but are not limited to, the following:

      • Accessing library grounds after business hours without written permission from FCPL administration or designee.
      • Bringing animals, other than service animals or animals used by presenters of library programs, into outdoor spaces.
      • Bringing fireworks, confetti, or smoke- or fog-generating devices into outdoor spaces.
      • Applying paint, chalk, stickers, nails, fasteners, or adhesive on any surface, including trees.
      • Harming or destroying any landscaping or vegetation of any kind.
      • Using sound amplifying devices.

      Individuals who violate this policy may be asked to leave the property and/or have their library privileges suspended.

      Amphitheater (Denmark Library)

      The Amphitheater provides outdoor programming space for the Library and a gathering space for community members.

      • The Amphitheater can be reserved by FCPL cardholders when not being used by the Library. Individuals reserving the space must comply with the Rooms for Public Use Policy - Meeting Rooms and Conference Rooms section, with the following exceptions:
        • Food is permitted in the Amphitheater.
        • No amplified sound is permitted.
      • Given the open nature of the space, reserved events can be seen and heard by non-participants.

      Bookworm Garden (Denmark Library)

      The Bookworm Garden provides programming space and interactive elements emphasizing writing, early literacy concepts, and cooperative learning.

      • The Bookworm Garden is not reservable by the public.
      • Pathways must be clear and accessible for visitors.
      • Food is permitted in the Bookworm Garden.

      Friends Terrace (Denmark Library)

      The Friends Terrace provides outdoor seating for patrons of all ages.

      • The Friends Terrace is not reservable by the public.
      • Food is permitted on the Friends Terrace.

      Story Strolls (Cumming, Denmark, Hampton Park, and Post Road Libraries)

      Story Strolls promote early literacy and outdoor engagement, encouraging the community to interact with stories on various themes.

      • Pathways must be clear and accessible for visitors.
      • Food is permitted in the Story Strolls.

      Library Gardens (Cumming, Post Road, and Hampton Park Libraries)

      Some library branches have educational outdoor gardens that host programs and displays throughout the year.

      • Library gardens are not reservable by the public.
      • Pathways must be clear and accessible for visitors.
      • Food is permitted in the Library Gardens.

      Approved on 09/16/2024
      Implemented on 09/17/2024

    • Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) recognizes the importance of all community members having free and equitable access to library programs and services, but understands not everyone is able to regularly visit library branches. Therefore, to the extent allowed by staffing levels and budget considerations, FCPL will extend services to the community in ways that reach beyond the physical facilities. FCPL may offer outreach services in the community by:

      • Maintaining a robust collection of digital resources and services that provide library cardholders with remote access at any time of day.
      • Offering bookmobile service.
      • Offering mobile library services, storytimes, classes, and other educational activities at off-site locations.
      • Partnering with educational institutions, government agencies, and community organizations whose missions emphasize education and literacy.
      • Participating in events that provide opportunities for FCPL to provide off-site library services and promote library programs.
      • Promoting the services of the Georgia Libraries for Accessible Statewide Services (GLASS). This service promotes the use of assistive technology and provides accessible reading materials to those who, due to a disability, are unable to read standard print.
      • Providing materials from the library collection by mail to patrons in Forsyth County who have difficulty visiting the library. Patrons must meet one or more of the following criteria to qualify for Mailbox Books service:
        • Have a permanent or temporary disability or medical condition that prevents a person from visiting the library.
        • Reside in a nursing care or assisted living facility, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.
        • Other health conditions that make a person unable to visit the library.

      Bookmobile Service
      FCPL welcomes visitors to access materials, attend programs, and utilize resources on the bookmobile. In addition to providing a collection of materials that may be borrowed, the bookmobile also provides technology and programming as appropriate for its space and its expected users.

      In order to borrow materials, a patron must have a Forsyth County Public Library card. Materials may be returned to the bookmobile or to any FCPL location. The loan period for bookmobile materials may differ from loan periods at library branches.

      The library publishes a regular schedule of bookmobile stops within Forsyth County. Multiple factors are taken into consideration when establishing, continuing, or discontinuing bookmobile stops, including distance from FCPL branches, safety, accessibility, and the ability to maneuver the bookmobile at the stop.

      All efforts will be made to adhere to the published bookmobile schedule. However, schedules may be adjusted at the discretion of library staff, who will provide as much advance notification as possible. Fines that are accrued on materials checked out on the bookmobile due to schedule delays or cancellations will be waived.

      The Patron Behavior Policy, Library Cards and Borrowing Materials Policy, and other FCPL policies apply on the bookmobile.

      Approved on 07/23/2020
      Implemented on 07/23/2020

    • In order to accurately represent accounts receivable on its financial statements, the Forsyth County Public Library will write off any patron debts that have not been collected in a rolling three-year cycle despite established collection efforts. On an annual basis, library staff will identify the debts eligible for deletion. Debt being written off will meet all of the following criteria: 1) incurred prior to the previous three calendar years, 2) incurred on an account that has been inactive for the previous three calendar years, and 3) incurred on an account that has had no new debt assigned (e.g., fines, replacement value of unreturned materials, collection fees) in the previous three calendar years. To be considered inactive, an account must have no documented circulation activity and no documented use of electronic resources for the specified timeframe. Staff will present the recommended write-off amount to the Library Board for approval prior to deleting debt records. Staff will implement the write-offs prior to the end of each fiscal year and maintain appropriate accounting records.

      Approved on 05/17/2010
      Implemented on 05/17/2010

    • Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) aims to maintain an environment that allows patrons to freely and safely access library information and resources. The Library is a public facility and people may take photographs or videos in areas of the Library that are open to the general public. However, parties involved in photography and videography must follow the Library’s Patron Behavior Policy. The Library reserves the right to terminate or restrict any photography or filming that causes an undue disturbance, violates FCPL policies or procedures, endangers the health or safety of patrons or staff, compromises Library security or confidential records, or violates any local ordinance or state or federal law.

      The terms “photograph” and “photography” in this policy include any method of capturing or recording still or moving images, with or without sound, including photography, filming, videotaping, audio recording, or any other method.

      Video or photography equipment, such as tripods or lighting, is not permitted unless previously authorized by Library leadership.

      For a library to accomplish its intended purpose, it must generally be a place conducive to study and learning. Any person filming or photographing in areas of the Library that are open to the general public must refrain from:

      • Causing excessive noise or disturbance or otherwise engaging in conduct that interferes with the ability of other patrons to use the library for its intended purpose.
      • Blocking library aisles, walkways, stairwells, doors, or exits.
      • Taking photos, video, or audio of any other person in restrooms.
      • Taking photos, video, or audio of any other person in staff-only areas, except to the extent such photos, video, or audio are taken from a location open to the general public.
      • Taking photographs or videos in a manner that violates copyright.

      News Media Photography and Filming
      Members of the media are asked to notify the Library’s Communications Manager or administrative staff prior to or upon entering the library to alert staff of the intent to photograph or video inside the library. When possible, staff in the facility will be notified in advance to avoid potential interruption of library services and operations.

      Groups utilizing Library meeting rooms may arrange for photographers or news media during their events.

      Photography and Filming by FCPL
      FCPL photographs, films, and records activities, programs, and events for non-commercial, informational, and promotional purposes. Photography captured by FCPL may be used in publications, programs, productions, presentations, displays, websites, social media, and other forms of media.

      Library visitors consent to be photographed in public areas unless they specifically inform staff otherwise. Any individual who does not wish the Library to use a photograph of themselves or their minor child should inform a Library staff member before or while such photographs are being taken.

      Approved on 09/18/2023
      Implemented on 09/19/2023

      1. Purpose
        The purpose of this policy is to ensure that library funds are spent with the highest level of fiduciary responsibility to funding organizations and the residents they represent.

      2. Applicability
        This policy will govern all acquisitions of the Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) except for those items specifically exempted.

      3. Ethics
        Employees governed by this Purchasing Policy must also abide by library guidelines relating to business ethics and professional conduct, as outlined in the library's Personnel Policy Manual.

      4. Authority for Purchasing
        The HR/Finance Manager is the authorized purchasing agent for FCPL. This responsibility may be delegated to positions within the Support Services department. In addition, the Director and the following positions are authorized to make designated purchases:

        Deputy Director or their designee may have authority to purchase branch items and programming supplies and services.
        Materials Services Manager or their designee may have authority to purchase library materials and negotiate contracts for materials-related services and leased library resources.
        IT & Facilities Manager or their designee may have authority for contracts and purchases related to information technology, construction, building maintenance, and FFE (furniture, fixtures, and equipment).

        All positions with authorized purchasing authority must adhere to the purchasing policy and maintain documentation that the policy was followed. Failure to follow the policy may result in revocation of purchasing authority and disciplinary action.

        The HR/Finance Manager or their designee is authorized to periodically verify purchases have been conducted within the limits of the policy.

      5. Budgeted Expenditures
        It is the responsibility of authorized purchasers to ensure all purchases are consistent with and support the current approved budget prior to committing funds. Unbudgeted purchases shall not be made until a source of funds has been identified by the HR/Finance Manager and approved by the Director or Library Board, depending on the legal level of budgetary control required by the Budget Policy.

      6. Purchasing Procedures
        The HR/Finance Manager is authorized to establish and enforce procedures to 1) ensure this policy is followed in all purchasing categories and departments, 2) provide staff with instructions for carrying out purchasing tasks, and 3) ensure a strong internal controls environment.

      7. Credit Card Purchases
        Credit card purchases will follow these same purchasing policies. Prior approval from manager is required for a credit card purchase.

      8. Disclaimer of Responsibility for Improper Purchasing
        The Library Board may disclaim responsibility and liability for any expenditure or agreement for expenditure arising from a procurement made in its name by an unauthorized person or any person acting outside this Policy or the authorization or delegation as provided in this Policy. The expense of any such disclaimed transaction will become the personal liability of the individual who acted improperly.

      9. Exemptions
        The following supplies and services are exempt from this policy:

        1. Library materials in all formats including books, periodicals, media, and electronic resources;
        2. Real property, real estate brokerage and appraising, abstract of titles for real property, title insurance for real property and other related costs of acquisition of real property;
        3. Purchases between governments and/or nonprofit organizations;
        4. Dues, memberships, and subscriptions;
        5. Utilities including but not limited to electricity, water, sanitation, and communications;
        6. Professional services not exceeding $10,000, including but not limited to medical, legal, architectural and interior design, financial, and engineering;
        7. Training, travel, lodging, or meal expenses (see Travel Policy);
        8. Legal or employment advertisements; and
        9. Any item on county, state, or federal contract.

      10. Methods of Source Selection
        The following thresholds will be used in determining source selection method:

        Purchases greater than $0 but not greater than $2,500 – authorized staff members may acquire goods or services using their best judgment as to source and number of quotes.

        Purchases greater than $2,500 but not greater than $10,000 – authorized staff members will obtain at least two written quotes.

        Purchases greater than $10,000 but not greater than $50,000 – authorized staff members will obtain at least three written quotes.

        Purchases greater than $50,000 – HR/Finance Manager or their designee shall obtain goods and/or services through sealed, written bids or proposals. The HR/Finance Manager is authorized to negotiate the final purchase price with the most responsive and responsible vendor. Final award of purchase shall be made by Library Board.

        Exceptions: Any goods or services available for purchase under county, state or federal contract will not require the above source selection criteria.

        The above thresholds indicate minimum requirements. Best practices dictate that multiple quotes be obtained at all price levels unless obtaining multiple quotes would be impractical or inefficient due to a lack of vendors or an excessive amount of staff time. Circumventing a threshold by splitting an order into two or more orders is prohibited by this policy.

        The requirements for each threshold should be adhered to if at all possible. In the event the required number of responses is not received, steps taken to follow the policy will be documented. In this case, the HR/Finance Manager has authority to award the purchase to the most responsive and responsible vendor.

        Should additional goods or services be required within six (6) months of an original purchase (or performance of service) made in compliance with this policy, these additional goods or services may be obtained from the same vendor provided original prices and terms are still offered.

      11. Contract Approvals
        Library Board approval is required for all contracts exceeding $50,000. The Director will determine which contracts will be reviewed and approved as to form by an attorney prior to execution on behalf of the library. This determination will be based on contract amount, product or service complexity, length of time since prior legal review, and operational efficiency. A contract shall conform to State and Federal law and to FCPL policies. They shall otherwise contain such provisions as are reasonably necessary to protect the interests of the library. Contracts may be signed by the Director. Contracts will be awarded in one-year increments, typically with options for renewal for two additional one-year increments.

      12. Contract Renewals
        Contracts awarded can be renewed for a maximum of two additional years barring poor contract performance, significant changes in the contract requirements, or proposed increases that exceed the annual consumer price index (CPI). If any of these situations occur, a new vendor will be selected using criteria included in Section J. Any contract renewals or extensions must be approved by the Library Board.

        Any multi-year contract must include an option to terminate the contract without penalty if funds are not available for appropriation.

      13. Sole Source
        A sole source purchase exists when only one source is able to fill requirements for the intended use. Standardization or compatibility with existing equipment for repair purposes may require a sole source purchase, depending on the intended use. Preference for a particular brand does not constitute a valid reason for sole source.

      14. Emergency Purchases
        Emergency purchases may be made under the following conditions:

        1. When there is a threat to the health, welfare, or safety of patrons or employees;
        2. When there is a threat to the soundness and integrity of private property;
        3. When there is a threat to the delivery of essential services; and
        4. When there is a threat of significant disruption to office procedures and normal operations that is not the result of poor planning.

        For those purchases where the cost is less than $10,000 and the purchase does not follow standard purchasing procedures of obtaining competitive quotes (i.e., sole source and emergency purchases as described in M and N above), written justification from the head of the requesting department and approval by the HR/Finance Manager and the Director is required prior to purchase.

        For those purchases where the cost is $10,000 or more and the purchase does not follow standard purchasing procedures of obtaining competitive quotes (i.e., sole source and emergency purchases as described in M and N above), written justification from the head of the requesting department and approval by the Director and the Chair of the Library Board is required prior to purchase.

      15. Fiscal Year End
        In order to enable the timely and efficient closing of the fiscal year, purchasing activities are suspended near the end of the fiscal year. Purchases made in June require approval by the HR/Finance Manager or their designee.

      16. Grants
        All purchases made under a specific grant (e.g., state, federal, private) shall be in compliance with requirements of that grant and/or funding agency, as detailed in grant awards and other agreements. If in conflict with this policy, official grant documents or funding agreements will prevail.

      17. Construction Projects
        All major construction projects will follow Forsyth County Government's procurement policies and procedures and will be coordinated with the Forsyth County Procurement Department. Approval by the County Manager and/or Board of Commissioners may be required by Forsyth County Government's policies and procedures. Exceptions: The library has the authority to purchase construction-related items or services (e.g., furniture) under state or federal contract or through a bid process without prior approval from Forsyth County Government, assuming purchases are in compliance with the established construction budget.

      Approved on 09/20/2022
      Implemented on 09/20/2022

    • While providing a welcoming environment for all, the library recognizes that patrons have differing expectations for an acceptable level of noise in a public setting. Therefore, a separate Quiet Room is available at each branch to provide patrons a more tranquil alternative to the main areas. In Quiet Rooms, patrons are asked to refrain from all conversations and to silence all cell phones, pagers, and electronic devices.

      Approved on 05/18/2009
      Implemented on 06/01/2009

    • Residents of Forsyth County may address the Forsyth County Public Library Board of Trustees at regularly scheduled meetings of the Board.

      To sign up to speak, residents must complete and submit the Request to Address the Library Board form to the Director. This form is available on the Library’s website and by contacting the Library Director. Residents must sign up for non-agenda related topics by 12:00 p.m. on the Friday before the scheduled meeting. Sign-up for agenda related topics must be at least 15 minutes prior to the start time of the meeting. Each scheduled speaker will be given three minutes to speak.

      Residents may speak only on the topics listed on their request forms and that fall within the jurisdiction of the Library Board. General comments on the materials reconsideration process or appeals process for library suspensions are permitted. However, anyone wishing to appeal a suspension or requesting a specific materials reconsideration should follow the appropriate procedure for that appeal or reconsideration.

      The purpose of the meeting is to conduct Library business. In order to ensure an efficient meeting, the Board may adjust the time allocation for each speaker, limit the number of speakers, or set a maximum total time for public comments.

      Speakers with topics related to an agenda item will be scheduled to speak before the vote related to that item. Comments regarding non-agenda items will be heard after regular Library business is complete.

      The purpose of public comments is for residents to verbally express their views to the Library Board. The Board members will not respond or take action on comments made by the speaker. Members may choose to ask clarifying questions.

      Comments that cause an actual disruption of the meeting or that physically threaten the Board or other attendees will not be allowed. Anyone violating this provision will forfeit their remaining time to speak at the meeting and may be asked to leave the meeting.

      Approved on 03/18/2024
      Implemented on 03/19/2024

    • Payments made by check to the Forsyth County Public Library that are not honored by the bank will incur a returned check fee of $25. This fee will be added to the patron's library card account when the Library receives notification of non-sufficient funds (NSF) from a bank. The patron's borrowing privileges will be suspended until the total amount owed to the Library (including other fines and fees) is less than $10.00. Payments for returned check fees must be in the form of cash, credit card, cashier's check, certified check or money order. Personal checks will not be accepted as payment if a patron's check has been returned for insufficient funds in the past.

      Approved on 01/19/2010
      Implemented on 02/01/2010

    • In granting room access to the public, the library does not discriminate against persons or groups based on sex, color, race, religion, ancestry, national origin, age, or disability. Subject to that overriding policy requirement, the Library Board of Trustees delegates the authority to set conditions for room use to the Director.

      The primary purpose of the meeting and conference rooms is to provide appropriate space for library meetings and programs to support and promote the library's mission (the “Primary Purpose”). However, when the rooms are not being used for library programs or activities, FCPL cardholders may request the use of the rooms (the “Secondary Usage”) for non-library purposes. Use of meeting and conference rooms for a Primary Purpose shall always supersede access to the rooms for Secondary Usage. Study rooms are also available for reservation and use by FCPL cardholders.

      While using the library's reserved rooms for Secondary Usage, individuals and groups must comply with all library policies and procedures outlined below.

      Meeting Rooms and Conference Rooms

      1. Granting individuals or groups Secondary Usage access to the meeting or conference rooms at the library does not imply any endorsement of the individual or group's credentials, policies, or beliefs by the library or Forsyth County. All promotional material must clearly indicate that the library does not sponsor or endorse the event. Library buildings' names and addresses may not be used as the headquarters of an organization. Failure to comply with this policy shall result in cancellation of the room reservation.
      2. FCPL cardholders reserving the rooms must ensure that their activity or event is in compliance with all pertinent local, state, and federal regulations.
      3. FCPL cardholders may reserve meeting room space up to two times per calendar month across all FCPL locations. FCPL cardholders may reserve conference room space up to eight times per calendar month across all FCPL locations.
      4. Attendance must not exceed the posted capacity of the rooms.
      5. There must be one adult physically present for every ten children present.
      6. The FCPL cardholder responsible for the reservation must check in with staff at the Ask Us Desk prior to using the room and must stay in the library for the entirety of the reservation. When the room is vacated, the cardholder must check out with staff at the Ask Us Desk.
      7. Meetings, including setup and breakdown, must occur during the library's open hours. Meetings must end, and attendees must exit the building by the library’s posted closing time.
      8. The FCPL cardholder must act as the group contact and will be responsible for the group's activities and compliance with all library policies. The cardholder is responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing library property damaged due to misuse.
      9. The use of meeting or conference rooms shall not generate a level of noise, crowding, or other byproducts that, in the reasonable discretion of library management, disturb library patrons or disrupt the ability of the library to conduct its business in a regular and orderly manner. Any use of amplified sound must be limited to a volume that cannot be heard outside the space. All attendees must comply with the Patron Behavior Policy.
      10. All groups must enter and exit through the library's main entrance except in emergencies or when approved by the library.
      11. Furniture may not be moved in or out of meeting or conference rooms.
      12. Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceilings, doors, or furniture.
      13. No person or entity using library meeting space shall place, mount, or affix signage or other materials in any location at the library except in the reserved meeting location during the reserved meeting time.
      14. Forsyth County Public Library is a tobacco-free and smoke-free facility. E-cigarettes are also prohibited.
      15. Open flame, burning incense, and lit candles are not allowed.
      16. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
      17. Refreshments must be approved in advance.
      18. No supplies or equipment belonging to the meeting room or conference room user may be stored in a meeting or conference room. At the conclusion of each usage of a conference or meeting room, all supplies and equipment shall be completely removed. Any supplies and equipment left behind will be considered abandoned and subject to disposal.
      19. Primary Purposes holds priority over all Secondary Usage, and the library has the right to preempt any scheduled Secondary Usage event for a Primary Purposes event. Library staff will inform the affected cardholder if it is necessary to cancel or change a reservation.
      20. The library staff shall have the right to enter the meeting or conference rooms anytime during a Secondary Usage event.
      21. The library reserves the right to terminate the meeting, event, or activity immediately and refuse future reservations if the attendees do not comply with library policies, procedures, and staff instructions.

      Study Rooms

      1. FCPL cardholders may reserve and use study rooms for up to two hours at a time. Time may be extended at the Ask Us Desk if the room is available. Reservations that remain unclaimed for more than 15 minutes past the reservation start time may be released to other patrons.
      2. Attendance must not exceed the number of chairs assigned to the study rooms.
      3. The FCPL cardholder responsible for the reservation must check in with staff at the Ask Us Desk prior to using the room and must be present in the library during the reservation period. When the room is vacated, the cardholder must check out with staff at the Ask Us Desk.
      4. Study rooms are available during the library's open hours. All individuals using the study room must exit the building by the library’s posted closing time.
      5. The rooms and their furnishings must be left in their original condition. The user will be responsible for the cost of replacing or repairing library property damaged due to misuse.
      6. The use of study rooms shall not generate a level of noise, crowding, or other byproducts that, in the reasonable discretion of library management, disturb library patrons or disrupt the ability of the library to conduct its business in a regular and orderly manner. Any use of amplified sound must be limited to a volume that cannot be heard outside the space. All attendees must comply with the Patron Behavior Policy.
      7. Furniture may not be moved in or out of the study rooms.
      8. Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceilings, doors, or furniture.
      9. Forsyth County Public Library is a tobacco-free and smoke-free facility. E-cigarettes are also prohibited.
      10. Open flame, burning incense, and lit candles are not allowed.
      11. Alcoholic beverages are not allowed.
      12. The library is not responsible for unattended items and reserves the right to remove unattended belongings.
      13. The library staff shall have the right to enter the study rooms anytime.
      14. The library reserves the right to terminate the reservation immediately and refuse future reservations if the attendees do not comply with library policies, procedures, and staff instructions.

      Other Areas
      While meeting rooms, study rooms, and conference rooms may be reserved, tables in other parts of library branches may not be reserved. However, patrons may save seats at the table at which they are sitting for others who may be arriving later.

      Approved on 01/16/2024
      Implemented on 02/19/2024

    • Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) may use security cameras to monitor library buildings, parking lots, entrances, hallways, public areas, staff work areas, or other areas on FCPL property where there is no expectation of privacy (O.C.G.A. 16-11-62(2)(B)). Security camera records will be used to enhance patron and staff safety, discourage theft or other criminal activities, investigate incidents, or for other related purposes.

      Although this policy is governed by any and all applicable local, state and federal laws, rules and regulations, there are several state statutes that directly pertain to this policy.

      1. As a public agency, FCPL is subject to the Georgia Open Records Act (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-70 et seq.), under which records created by FCPL (including video records) are considered public record and may be subject to inspection.
      2. FCPL is subject to the Georgia Records Act (O.C.G.A. § 50-18-90 et seq.) which applies to local government and its agencies, boards, etc., and requires an approved records retention policy. Forsyth County has adopted the Georgia “Local Government Retention Schedule” (see County Code, Sec. 2-1) which requires security or surveillance video to be retained for a minimum of 30 days, barring any incident that may occur during that period to warrant a longer retention period based on the circumstances.
      3. FCPL is subject to Georgia law governing certain confidential information related to library patrons (see O.C.G.A. § 24-12-30). Library records which identify the user of library materials shall not be public records and shall not be disclosed to the public except upon a court order or subpoena.
      4. FCPL is subject to Georgia law governing security cameras, which specifically authorizes, for security purposes, crime prevention, or crime detection, any device to observe, photograph, or record the activities of persons who are on the property or an approach thereto in areas where there is no reasonable expectation of privacy.

      Recognizing the importance of the confidentiality of patrons’ use of the library, FCPL’s security cameras shall be positioned in a manner to minimize the likelihood of videoing a patron’s reading, viewing, or listening activities. Cameras shall not be used in areas where patrons or staff have a reasonable expectation of privacy (e.g., restrooms).

      Video recordings will be digitally stored on computer servers with the appropriate level of security. Footage will be retained for a minimum of 30 days, after which time such video records may be destroyed, unless there is a justification to retain such footage for a longer period (such as documenting possible criminal activity or policy violations).

      Any request to review video records must be referred to an FCPL supervisor or manager. Because of the challenges involved in protecting confidential patron information, when presented with a request to view video records, access to such records will be handled on a case-by-case basis, balancing the interests of transparency and confidentiality.

      The live video feeds from security cameras are not constantly monitored, and patrons and staff should take appropriate reasonable care for their own safety and the security of their personal property.

      Approved on 09/18/2023
      Implemented on 09/19/2023

    • Forsyth County Public Library complies with the Georgia Smokefree Air Act of 2005 and Forsyth County ordinances and policies related to smoking in county buildings.

      All library buildings and library vehicles are designated as smoke-free and tobacco-free areas. In addition, the use or inhalation of e-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes (“vaping”) is prohibited in library buildings and library vehicles. Smoking, tobacco use, and vaping are prohibited within 50 feet of any library entrance or exit, on loading docks, in courtyards, or in any of the demonstration gardens on library grounds.

      This policy applies to the use of any tobacco or vaping product, including smokeless tobacco, and applies to both employees and visitors of the library.

      Approved on 07/21/2014
      Implemented on 07/21/2014

    • Purpose for Participation in Social Media
      Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) recognizes that patrons use social media platforms and services to connect and share with others and to discover local businesses and organizations. By participating in social media where appropriate and practical, FCPL seeks to promote its websites, resources, programs, and services, to share information about Library services with patrons, and to provide an informal online space for patrons and library staff to communicate with each other.

      Selecting Social Media Networks
      Library staff will evaluate social networks and services as they emerge or disband and make recommendations to the Library Director on the Library’s participation according to the following criteria:

      • The social network and the formats for presenting content (e.g., text, photos, videos, sound recordings) are appropriate and relevant to patrons.
      • The Library has sufficient resources (e.g., staff, training, equipment, access, subject material) to participate in a meaningful way.
      • Participation in the social network advances the positive image of the Library as perceived by stakeholders (e.g., patrons, staff, the Library Board of Trustees, the Board of Commissioners, taxpayers).
      • Participation in one social network would not unnecessarily duplicate content or participation in a social network already in use.
      • Participation in a current social network could be discontinued as circumstances change (such as to accommodate resource allocation to a different social network or to another project entirely, in response to changes in formats for presenting content given as options by the network, or in response to patron or network user feedback).

      Library staff will make recommendations to the Library Director regarding participating in or discontinuing participation in a given social network. The Library Director will make the final decision regarding the Library’s participation in social media.

      Managing Social Media Networks
      Social media accounts may be created only by designated Library staff, and these individuals will also be responsible for managing the Library's participation in social media. The names of pages, profiles, or accounts should clearly represent the Library, including the official logo, web address, and contact information.

      Content Creation and Moderation
      Only designated Library staff trained in appropriate use of social media on the Library’s behalf may access the Library’s social media accounts and publish content on behalf of the Library. Such employees are bound by relevant policies in the Library’s Personnel Policy Manual, as well as other established Library procedures for communicating with patrons, the news media, and the general public. Staff will follow management directives, industry best practices, and conventions of the social networks themselves to determine the type and frequency of content to be published.

      Employees participating in social media on behalf of the Library will also be responsible for moderating comments. Questions or comments from the public should be responded to in an appropriate and timely manner by staff.

      Library staff may “tag” or mention other organizations (such as the Library’s community partners, local government and nonprofit organizations, other libraries, and professional organizations) as appropriate.

      Public Use of the Library’s Social Media Sites
      The Library expects users to be mindful that social media sites are accessible to the public and to be courteous and civil toward one another.

      The Library is a public place, and all Library programs take place in public venues. Photographs or video may be taken during Library programs. These photographs and video may be posted on the Library’s social media sites.

      Users should have no expectation of privacy in postings on Library sponsored social media sites. Every comment or posting made on Library social media sites is a public record and may be disseminated, reproduced, or copied without any further action and without notice. By posting on Library social media sites, users are agreeing that they have no expectation of privacy in any submissions.

      The Library reserves the right to remove postings (in whole or in part) which it considers to be inappropriate, including comments or posts containing: abusive, vulgar, offensive, threatening, harassing, or discriminatory language; personal attacks of any kind; potentially libelous or defamatory comments; confidential information; copyright violations; commercial promotions or spam; or off-topic content. The Library also reserves the right to ban, block, or revoke posting privileges of commenters or posters who repeatedly post comments that violate this policy.

      Public users should keep in mind that the Library’s social media sites are internet pages on third party social media sites which own and operate the sites, and which maintain their own policies and standards on what may or may not be posted and the actions they may take concerning violation of their standards.

      The Library is not responsible for, and neither endorses nor opposes, comments placed on the site by visitors to the site. Commenters/posters are personally responsible for their own comments, usernames, and/or any information placed on the page.

      Approved on 05/15/2017
      Implemented on 05/16/2017

    • Solicitation is prohibited in the main interior spaces of the library buildings, external programming spaces, and the library gardens. Solicitation includes, but is not limited to, sales of goods, collection of goods or money, distributing flyers, to include placement of flyers on vehicles in the parking lot, and placing signage anywhere on library property.

      Libraries that serve as voting locations have additional exterior and interior restrictions on solicitation during voting hours. These restrictions are determined by State and federal law and will be posted in the public areas during the election period.

      Solicitation in the rented, leased, or reserved meeting rooms, study rooms, or conference rooms, or exterior spaces of the library must not cause safety issues or impede patrons' ability to access the library.

      Solicitation in the publicly accessible exterior spaces of the library (i.e., the library parking area), must not cause safety issues or threaten/impede patrons’ ability to access the library.

      Approved on 01/16/2024
      Implemented on 02/19/2024

    • Classes or groups in Forsyth County are welcome to request a staff-facilitated introduction to the library. Tours are dependent on staff availability and must be scheduled and confirmed with library staff at least two weeks in advance. Tours are offered to a class or group once per year. Classes and groups are welcome at any time to use the library on their own. All groups must have at least one adult accompanying every ten children. Total group size should not exceed thirty.

      Approved on 09/21/2009
      Implemented on 10/01/2009

    • Forsyth County Public Library welcomes visitors of all ages to use its materials, programs and resources. However, caregivers must be mindful of the fact that the library is an open, public building. The well-being and safety of young children left alone raises serious concerns. Caregivers are responsible for the safety, behavior, and supervision of children at all times in the library and on library property. Library staff cannot assume responsibility for any child, even for a very short period of time.

      Children under 11 years old may not be left alone in the library. Parents, guardians, or caregivers must remain within sight or sound range of their children at all times to ensure safety and appropriate behavior. Caregivers must be 13 or older, able to effectively supervise young children, and must be willing and able to provide contact information for a parent or guardian upon request.

      Children ages 7 and under may not be left alone in library-sponsored programs, unless otherwise stated by library staff. Children ages 8 and older may be left alone in library-sponsored programs. Caregivers must remain in the library at all times during the programs and must be available to meet children in the program room at the conclusion of the programs. Library staff may use their judgment to determine if an unaccompanied child of any age needs the assistance of a caregiver during a program.

      If library staff deems a child of any age to be in need of supervision and no parent or guardian can be located or contacted, law enforcement will be called.

      Public announcements are made throughout the last open hour of each business day to remind all patrons to arrange for their rides home prior to the library's closing. If a child under 13 is left unattended after the library closes, staff will attempt to contact a parent or guardian, and if unable to do so, they will call law enforcement in accordance with library procedures. The library will make no determination as to the suitability or authority of anyone arriving or being contacted to transport a minor from library grounds or for minors leaving library grounds. Library staff members are not permitted to transport any minor to another location.

      Approved on 11/17/2014
      Implemented on 12/01/2014

    • The Forsyth County Public Library (FCPL) recognizes and appreciates the valuable contribution that volunteers make as they assist library staff in serving the Forsyth County community. The Volunteer Program is intended to supplement the efforts of paid library staff, and not to replace staff. Services provided by volunteers aid the library in making the best use of its fiscal resources.

      A volunteer is a person who contributes his/her time, energy, and talents and performs tasks or services of his/her own free will, without expectation or receipt of wages, benefits, or compensation of any kind. Volunteers are not eligible to receive workers compensation benefits for any injuries sustained while functioning as a volunteer. Nothing in this policy shall be deemed to create a contract between the volunteer and FCPL, and both the volunteer and FCPL have the right to end the volunteer's association with the library at any time, for any reason, with or without cause.

      Program Administration
      The Support Services Department is responsible for administering FCPL's Volunteer Program and implementing procedures for recruitment, screening, selection, training, evaluation, retention, and release of volunteers. Applicants for volunteer assignments are selected based on their qualifications in relation to the library's operational needs and on their ability to commit to a consistent schedule of volunteer hours. Volunteers may be assigned to help with short-term projects, events, or seasonal activities. Volunteers may also be assigned to assist library staff on a regular, ongoing basis. All library volunteers are required to pass a background check. The library maintains the right to deny a volunteer position to anyone it feels is unsuitable for any reason. The library does not offer court-ordered community service hours.

      Because volunteers are viewed by the public as representatives of the library, they are expected to uphold the library's mission, to reflect positive customer service attitudes to patrons, and to help maintain the library's image in the community. Volunteers are expected to conform to all library policies and rules, including those pertaining to patron privacy and confidentiality.

      Consideration for Employment
      If a paid library position should become open, current volunteers may apply and be considered under the same conditions as current FCPL staff members.

      Approved on 05/17/2011
      Implemented on 05/17/2011