Inspiring Illustrated Biograhies for Women's History Month
This blog post highlights a few of the books in our collection for young readers.

Good Books for Bad Children
by Beth Kephart
Book lovers of any age will enjoy this biography of Ursula Nordstrom, the groundbreaking book editor whose keen eye for talent and high expectations brought many classic children’s books to publication.
Toon Talk: First in a Series
This blog post features some of the best offerings FCPL has to offer, curated by a cartoon-conscious teenager.

Superman: Lost
by Christopher Priest
Here’s a recent gem from one of my personal favorite writers, Christopher Priest. The quick sell is that it’s great for anyone who loves deep space isolation, temporal freak-outs, mature relationships (“mature” is the word best fit for Lost; that doesn’t imply anything crass or gory, but rather just a refreshing maturity from the central married couple and their depicted life), great Lex Luthor characterization, atmospheric art, and that perfect balance ‘tween humor, drama, and existentialism. Find the series in the adult graphic novel section.